Opening Still Waters – stories of water and landscape!
Last Friday was the opening of the ‘Still Waters – stories of water and landscape’ exhibition at the Waterliniemuseum. It was a beautiful afternoon!
The exhibition features visual art by Janine Caalders and my poetry. It addresses current themes such as climate change and our connection to the landscape.
A special publication (in English as well as Dutch) accompanies the exhibition, showcasing the work of Janine and myself, along with contributions from four guest writers reflecting on the complex relationship between water, landscape, and humans.The publication is available at the Waterliniemuseum for Euro 12.50 but can also be ordered directly from me if you would like a copy.
Still Waters can be visited until June 1 at the Waterliniemuseum in Bunnik, the Netherlands.
STILL WATERS – stories of water and landscape
The past few months, together with artist Janine Caalders, I have been busy preparing for the exhibition STILL WATERS, which will be officially opened on 10 January at 15.30 pm at the Waterlinie Museum, Fort bij Vechten, in Bunnik.
Would you like to attend the opening? Please let us know in advance by registering with me or via .
STILLE WATEREN combines visual art and poetry, exploring the landscape as both the backdrop for our daily lives and as an integral part of who we are. It also invites reflection on how we can adapt to nature in times of climate change. The exhibition, accompanied by a publication, is in Dutch as well as English.
Waterlinie Museum, Fort bij Vechten
Achterdijk 12, 3981 HB Bunnik
We warmly welcome you!
Poem in Briefly Write
Nice! Briefly Write published my poem ‘Crab Apple Blossoms’, including an audio recording.
Off Topic Poetry Contest winner May 2024
What a surprise!
My poem ‘They Say Only Trees Grow in Situ’ has won the Poetry Contest of May 2024 held by Off Topic Publishing.
The theme to write about was ‘growth’.
Tipping Point in Exhaustion anthology
My poem Tipping Point was published in the ‘Exhaustion – limited reserves’ anthology from Off Topic Publishing
Used up or worn out. Reaching the limits of our personal and collective resources. Tapping out. Laying waste to the planet. Burning fuel until there’s nothing left but fumes.
Each story and poem in this book engages exhaustion anew, revealing human struggles, moments of grace, and a relentless questioning. Far from exhausting the topic, this book opens up a conversation about what it means to have limited reserves and how we can move forward under such conditions.
Poem Winter in ‘RED: A hue are you anthology’
My poem Winter was published in the RED: a Hue Are You anthology.
It’s the first in a forthcoming series, and captures the multitudinous ways poets perceive and respond to the color red in all its varied shades and names.
Poetry Festival Dichters in de Prinsentuin
Coming Friday the three-day festival Dichters in de Prinsentuin starts in the botanical gardens in Haren, the Netherlands. There are about seventy poets from the Netherlands and abroad. For three days, you can immerse yourself in poetry, translation programs, workshops and interviews, and surprising collaborations with other art forms such as music, theatre and visual arts. I’ll be there on Sunday to recite my poems, at 12.30 and 16.00. I’m looking forward to it!
What Lightning Spoke – New book by Robert Bensen
Congratulations to Robert Bensen on his new book What Lightning Spoke which cannot be praised enough! It’s truly a wonderful collection of poetry. The book also includes some translations that he worked on, and I’m very honoured to have one of my poems (Paradise or Better Yet) included as well.
Climate poem of the month
I’m very happy that a poem of mine is the Klimaatdichters ‘Poem of the Month’ for January.
The Klimaatdichters (Poets for the Climate) draw attention to climate change through poetry. This group consists of poets from the Netherlands and Belgium.
This poem was especially written for a water conference that took place in Utrecht on the 25th of November 2022.
For this conference, artist Janine Caalders had also asked me to create a spoken word performance with her in combination with an act of purifying water on the spot. Water that participants to the conference had brought themselves, from rivers, ditches, streams etc.