Still Waters
The exhibition ‘Still Waters – stories of water and landscape’ can be seen in the Waterliniemuseum in Bunnik, the Netherlands until 1 June 2025. The exhibition features visual art by Janine Caalders and my poetry. It addresses current themes such as climate change and our connection to the landscape.
A special publication (in English as well as Dutch) accompanies the exhibition, showcasing the work of Janine and myself, along with contributions from four guest writers reflecting on the complex relationship between water, landscape, and humans. The book is in A4 landscape format, 48 pages and full colour.
The publication is available at the Waterliniemuseum for 12.50 but can also be ordered directly from me if you would like a copy.The book can be sent within Europe for 20 euro including shipping, and to the USA for 22 Euro including shipping. Payments can be made through PayPal or bank transfer.